In one study, the number of particles emitted while playing plastic blowing horns called vuvuzelas (used by sports fans) was 658 particles cm –3 compared to 3.7 particles cm –3 for shouting. (14) However, the potential for wind instrument spread is likely. (12,13) There have been no reports yet implicating the playing of instruments, but there have been reports of musicians spreading the virus in a bar outbreak in Hong Kong. Singing has been implicated in several outbreaks. These activities include singing, performing theater, and playing band instruments. CFD modeling showed differences between indoor and outdoor environments and that the lowest risk of airborne COVID-19 infection occurred at less than 30 min of exposure indoors and less than 60 min outdoors.īecause of this risk of infection via inhalation of aerosol, many activities that occurred prior to the pandemic have been modified, especially those that have the potential to generate respiratory airborne particles. Face and bell masks attenuated plume velocities and lengths and decreased aerosol concentrations measured in front of the masks. Aerosol number concentration measured at the bell of the clarinet was comparable to that of singing.

We found that plumes from musical performance were highly directional, unsteady and varied considerably in time and space.

The interdisciplinary team enabled us to understand the various aspects of aerosol transmission risk from musical performance and to quickly implement strategies in music classrooms during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study was possible because of a partnership across academic departments and institutions and collaboration with the National Federation of State High School Associations and the College Band Directors National Association. In this study, we used a variety of methods, including flow visualization, aerosol and CO 2 measurements, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling to understand the different components that can lead to transmission risk from musical performance and risk mitigation. In addition, it is important to understand methods that can be used to reduce infection risk. There is less known about the risks of airborne infection from other musical performances, such as playing wind instruments or performing theater. Outbreaks from choir performances, such as the Skagit Valley Choir, showed that singing brings potential risk of COVID-19 infection.